Square By Design Sketch Book Cover

Item # 1479260P61
Intermediate 3-5 Hours
  • Square By Design® Square
  • 11" x 14" hardcover sketchbook
  • 1/2 yard 54" width light weight fabric for backing & lining
  • 3 skeins #4 pearl cotton embroidery thread (3 colors)
  • Embroidery needle
  • Chalk for marking
  • Basic sewing supplies
  • Sewing machine

  1. Note: Seam allowances are 1/2". If ironing is needed, use dry medium set iron.
  2. Embroider a bouquet of flowers to the motif where desired using French knots for the flowers and the lazy daisy stitch for leaves. Complete embroidery before going on to Step 2.
  3. Measure and mark the Square By Design® Square center with a straight pin.
  4. On a flat surface lay Square wrong side facing up. Align center of sketchbook spine to be centered with motif. Open sketchbook to lay flat on the fabric, page side facing up and trace around sketchbook 1" on all four sides.
  5. Cut out Square on drawn lines. Cut lining to be same size as the Square.
  6. From lining, cut two 15" x 18" piece for pockets. Fold each piece in half to form two 9" x 15" pockets and press.
  7. With right side of Square facing up, position folds of each pocket toward the center and raw edges of each pocket even with Square.
  8. Position backing piece right side down on top of pockets. Stitch around outer edge, leaving an 8" inch opening for turning. Trim corners to reduce bulk prior to turning.
  9. Turn to right side through opening. Turn side pockets to the backside of the motif fabric. Press. Fold in opening 1/2", press and sew closed with a slipstitch. Insert sketchbook.

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