Tufted Box Cushions

by JOANN |

Item # 22017376P23
Intermediate Varies


  • Three 1/2yd-lengths of 58" wide home dec fabric
  • 24"x 54" of 5" foam
  • 1 pkg batting
  • 9" upholstery needle
  • Heavy cotton thread
  • Sewing machine
  • Basic sewing supplies


  1. 1/2" seam allowance throughout.
  2. Cut top and bottom 27"X 57".
  3. Cut two side strips 27"X 8".
  4. Cut two more side strips 57"X 8".
  5. Leaving 1/2" open at the top and bottom of each seam, sew 8" seams to forma a rectangle.
  6. Right sides together, sew rectangle to top piece, matching seams to corners.
  7. Repeat for bottom, leaving one short side open.
  8. Turn right side out.
  9. Wrap foam in batting hand stitching to hold in place.
  10. Slipstitch opening.
  11. Pull batting into all edges and stitch 2" to 3" long stitches around all edges.
  12. Mark 6 spots to tuft on both top and bottom: 14" in from short ends and 9" in from long edges.
  13. Using 9" needle and doubled heavy thread, push needle in from top to match spot on bottom, then come back up to the top. Tie a knot and trim thread to 1".

JOANN Hacks:

  • Use plastic dry cleaner bags to insert foam into cover.
  • Remove before slip stitching cover.

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