Write On Crayon Wrap

by Coats & Clark |

Item # 22810883P84
Beginner 1-2 Hours


  • Coats Dual Duty XP(R) All-purpose thread to match
  • 1/4 yd fabric for outer wrap
  • 1/4 yd fabric for lining and pocket
  • 1/4 yd fusible interfacing
  • 1 yd grosgrain ribbon, 3/8"
  • 1 3/4 yds medium rickrack
  • Chalk marker
  • Sewing machine
  • Basic sewing supplies


Finished Size: 6" x 18"
Seam allowances are 1/4" (.64cm)
From the outer fabric, cut:
1 rectangle, 6-1/2" x 18"
From the lining/pocket fabric, cut:
2 rectangles 6-1/2" x 18"
From fusible interfacing, cut:
1 rectangle, 6-1/2" x 18"
  1. Following the manufacturer's instructions, fuse the interfacing to the wrong side of the outer fabric rectangle.
  2. Fold the pocket rectangle in half lengthwise, wrong sides together, making a 3-1/4" x 18" pocket. Press the upper fold.
  3. Beginning at the pocket center, chalk mark lines 1" apart across the pocket width.
  4. Round the outer rectangle corners slightly.
  5. Pin the marked pocket onto the lining rectangle, matching the lower edges.
  6. Stitch along each marked line from the lower edges to the pocket upper fold; backstitch at the upper edge.
  7. Baste the side and lower edges together.
  8. Baste the rickrack around the outer rectangle perimeter, easing at the corners. Sew the joining by hand as invisibly as possible.
  9. Fold the ribbon in half and baste at the center of one short outer rectangle edge.
  10. Place the pocketed rectangle right sides together with the interfaced rectangle, matching raw edges and tucking the ribbon ends between to avoid catching them in the seam.
  11. Sew around the wrap perimeter, leaving a 3" opening for turning.
  12. Turn the wrap right side out through the opening. Turn under the raw edges and handstitch the opening closed.
  13. Press the wrap edges firmly, pulling out the seam to show the rickrack.
  14. Fill the pockets with crayons, roll the wrap and tie. Trim the ribbon ends as needed.

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