Dip Dyed Tassels

by Rit Dye |

Item # 04016720P24
Beginner Under 1 Hour


  • Cotton tassels (Weight 4)
  • Rit All-Purpose Dye (we used Rose Quartz, Teal, Coral & Kelly Green)
  • Small plastic container or glass jar
  • Measuring cup
  • Plastic gloves
  • Plastic table cover
  • Paper towels


  1. Cover work area with plastic table cover and have paper towels handy to protect against any possible spills. Gather supplies.
  2. Wear rubber gloves to protect hands.
  3. Pour 4 cups of hot water into a container.
  4. Add 2 ounces of dye to container. Stir.
  5. Lower tassel halfway into dye bath. Leave tassel in dye bath for 10 seconds, up to 10 minutes. When desired color is achieved, remove from dye bath. Fabric will look darker when wet and will dry lighter.
  6. Let tassel dry on a paper towel.

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