Fabric Dyed Table Runner and Napkins

by JOANN |

Item # 13016900P26
Beginner 3-5 Hours


  • 2 yards Cotton Duck Canvas, white, (for 5' table with 6" hanging over ends)
  • One Tulip® One-Step Tie-Dye Kit®, Fuchsia/Yellow/Turquoise
  • One small spray bottle
  • 2 Plastic or vinyl table coverings
  • Paper towels
  • Plastic wrap
  • One poster board
  • Washer/dryer
  • Iron
  • Sewing machine
  • Sewing notions


  1. Cut fabric: One 15" (or 1/3 of width of table plus 1") x 6" for runner
  2. Two 18"x 18" for napkins
  3. Steam press 1/2" fold around edges. Fold under and press the raw edge to create a 1/4" border on all pieces.
  4. Use a short stitch centered in the 1/4" border to secure.
  5. Wash the fabric to remove the sizing. Do not dry.
  6. Draw simple spiked petal flower heads of various sizes on poster board. Cut out the flowers.
  7. Lay out the plastic on a flat surface to accommodate all the fabric when laid flat. Place a layer of paper towels on the plastic to absorb some of the dye. Have the plastic wrap close.
  8. Mix the dyes following package directions. Pour the turquoise dye into a small spray bottle.
  9. Take the fabric from the washer and lay on top of the paper towels. Flatten but do not remove all the wrinkles. This will add to the irregular depth of color.
  10. Lay all the poster board flowers on the fabric. Use the yellow dye first. Slightly lift one flower at a time. Apply the yellow under each flower by placing the tip of the nozzle on the fabric, close to the center of the flower and gently pressing out dye while drawing out to the points of the petals. This does not need to be exact with the shape of the petals on the poster board. Lay the poster board flowers as flat as possible back over the yellow dyed flowers.
  11. Take the turquoise dye in the spray bottle. Spray over all the flowers and surrounding areas. Avoid spraying under the poster board. Leave some lighter areas of spray for variety.
  12. Carefully lift and dispose of the poster board flowers.
  13. Take the fuchsia dye and slowly place the tip of the nozzle close to the center of a flower head. Gently press out a drop of dye. This will bleed out in to the yellow so add only one drop at a time.
  14. Cover all the pieces with plastic wrap to keep wet for 6-8 hours.
  15. Rinse and wash following directions on the dye package.

JOANN Hacks:

  • Take a cut of fabric and wash with the hemmed fabric. Use this as a test piece to practice control of the squeeze bottles and the sprayer.

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