Felt Wreath Ornament

by JOANN |

Item # 352041920P211
Beginner Under 1 Hour


  • 3 shades of green felt squares
  • Scissors
  • Green pearl cotton embroidery thread
  • Large-eyed needle
  • 1/4" multi-colored pompoms
  • Clear glue
  • 1/4" Red ribbon
  • Red/white Cording


  1. Cut 1"x 11" strips from all 3 felts.
  2. Cut 1"x 1" pieces from strips (they do not have to be perfectly 1")
  3. Cut a double strand of 15" Thread and knot about 2" from the bottom.
  4. In the center of each small square, thread through at least 100 squares into a long row.
  5. Bring thread ends together and tie tight.
  6. Thread a piece of cording through knotted area to make the hanger.
  7. Glue pompoms onto front of the wreath.
  8. Add ribbon bow.

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