Poppy Floral Arrangements

by JOANN |

Item # 432060603P26
Beginner 1-2 Hours


  • 2 Small coral glass vases
  • 1 Large coral glass vase
  • 2 Bricks floral foam
  • Wire cutters
  • Floral tape
  • 6 Hybrid Poppy Peach bush mixed


  1. For small vases:
  2. Separate and remove each stem from one peach Poppy bush for each vase, keeping the stems as long as possible.
  3. Create small bouquets by taping individual stems together to form an arrangement of flowers. If a few more flowers are needed to fill in the bouquet, remove a couple from another bush. Set the extra bush of poppies aside & use to fill in the second vase.
  4. When desired look is achieved, trim the stems so there is a flat bottom to sit inside the vase.
  5. For larger vase:
  6. Begin by adding floral foam to the larger vase. Be sure to cut as little as possible so the foam sits in the vase securely.
  7. Using the remaining three full Poppy bushes, separate and remove the stems from the main bush, keeping the stems as long as possible.
  8. Begin to insert the larger floral stems first to create the shape and size of the arrangement. Then add the smaller floral to fill in and add height and shape.
  9. Use any extra greenery to fill in around the base or to cover any foam that may be showing.


  • If the stems for the small bouquets are not thick enough to fill in the hole of the vase, add a larger stem from another floral piece or the bottom of the Poppy bush to make it thicker. This will ensure that the bouquet stays vertical in the vase.

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