Yarn Party Banners and Garlands

by JOANN |

Item # 262027328P154
Beginner 1-2 Hours


  • 1 Skein of each colored yarn: white, taupe, soft pink, orange, teal, burgundy
  • 1 Spool of cording, any size
  • Cricut machine - optional for pennants
  • Scissors
  • Tassel maker or a scrap of 4" wide cardboard
  • Crochet hook
  • Download geometric template
  • Paper glue - Tombow glue with green lid
  • Assorted paper or cardstock in colors that work with your yarn selections


  1. Mini Tassels: Place a 6" piece of yarn on one thin edge of the cardboard scrap. Wrap the yarn around cardboard about 15 times. Cut one end with your scissors.
  2. Carefully slide off cardboard as a group with the spare strand at the top.
  3. Take a piece of 6" yarn and wrap around close to the top of the grouping to create a head. Tie the tassel onto the cording. Tie in a knot and then slide ends thru the tassel with the crochet hook. Trim the rough hemmed edge.
  4. Continue to make tassels and attach to the cording until you have reached the desired length.
  5. Paper and yarn garland: Make the tassels and set aside.
  6. Create geometric shape on your Cricut machine or you can cut them with scissors or and x-acto knife. When you make the geometric shapes you will want to also make a tab at the top of the shape so that you can fold it over to glue around the cording.
  7. Fringe: To make the fringe on the garland, you will cut pieces of yarn that are 4-6" in length. Fold them in half and loop over the cording. It looks best in groups of 6 or more strands. You can place the yarn groupings in front of the geometric shapes or beside them.

Craft Hack Tips and Tricks:

  • Try not to have to colors right next to each other. It looks best if you mix up the placement of the color groupings to appear more whimsical.

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