Wildflower Layerd Wreath Chandelier

by JOANN |

Item # 17017260P38
Intermediate Varies


  • Floral Wire with Cutter, 26 gauge
  • Wire Cutters
  • Multi Temp Glue Gun
  • Glue Sticks
  • Triple Chain Hanger, Large
  • 5" Long Nose Pliers
  • Wildflower Wreath, Mustard/Pink
  • Mood Paper Flower Garland, Mauve
  • Queen Anne's Lace, Ivory
  • Paper Wildflower, Ivory
  • Mood Poppy Bush, Cream
  • Paper Wildflower, Orange
  • Mood Paper Daisy, Peach Cream
  • Ivory Wildflower Foliage


  1. Wildflower Wreaths: Remove hangers and open one Mustard Wildflower Wreath. Remove connector flower stem. Overlap bare stems to create a larger wreath. The individual stems on the wreath should be similar distance apart. Wire together using a figure 8 pattern around the stems.
  2. Chain hanger: Attach the hooks 13-1/2" apart on the wreath. Use pliers to crimp the hooks securely in place over the thick stems of the wreath. Cut 3 pieces of wire at 8" lengths. Thread wire through chain link above a hook and wrap back around the wreath. Repeat for other two hooks.
  3. Bend all flower heads away and down from the wreath center.
  4. Remove the top hook.
  5. Wire the tops of the chains equal distance apart to the second Wildflower Wreath. Take a second hanger and crimp the three hooks to the smaller wreath at the same locations as the chain connections from the larger wreath. Crimp the hooks in place and wire together the same as the first hooks. Hang up the chandelier.
  6. Mauve Paper Garland: Open the loops on both ends removing one stem on either end. Bend the central stem into a circle. Keep the spacing between the individual stems consistent. This circle should be about the same size as the lower/larger wreath. Wire together using a figure 8 pattern around the central stem. Cut off excess thick stem. Bend all individual stems away from the center. Lay this wreath on top of the lower hanging wreath and wire stems together.
  7. Ivory Wildflower Foliage: Pull into separate stems. Keep flowers long. Add to the top and bottom wreath by winding the stems around the central stems of the wreaths. Bend a few other wired stems on the wreaths over the stems to help keep them in place. Weave one of the flowers with the thickest stem at the chain connections on both wreaths.
  8. Queen Anne's Lace: Cut into four stems and wire on to lower wreath.
  9. Poppy Bush: Pull off lowest leaf stems. Insert on to lower wreath.
  10. Hot glue: Add a layer of hot glue to stems that have been wired together.
  11. Ivory Paper Wildflowers: Pull apart. Tuck the end of each stem into spots where chains meet the wreaths. Hot glue just the ends in place. Wind the thickest, wired stem around the chain. These will flare out from the chains. Remove any unwanted portions of stems when all other steps are complete.
  12. Orange Paper Wildflowers: Pull off separate stems and remove the lowest stem of leaves. Set leaves aside. Hot glue stems 3"-4" apart on the lower wreath. Hot glue the stems of leaves, facing up, to the inside of the lower wreath.
  13. Peach Cream Daisy: Use the two Peach Cream stems that were removed from the garland and four of the new stems to attach 2 per section to the lower wreath. Use three of the stems, one per section, to the upper wreath. Hot glue to secure.
  14. Work around both wreaths checking the connections of all flower stems. Use cut-off leaves to cover any wired sections. Keep the application of the leaves in a random pattern. Tuck the ends of the leaves into spaces to appear connected to stems.
  15. One section at a time, bend and wrinkle the stems of the flowers to create a natural blend of colors and textures. Intertwine the flowers. Tuck the flowers closer to the wreath circle to achieve a more solid wreath effect. Bend flower heads facing out or up. Leave some leaves draping down on both wreaths.

JOANN Hacks:

  • When adjusting the bends of the flowers, take a few steps back from the chandelier to gain a full view of the progress.

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